Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Booker - 1276 Words
Booker, 18, was out job searching, trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He kept trying to find a job to help out his mom since she was getting old and sick. Booker’s father was one of the 900 dead in the First Battle of Bull Run. His older brothers were out already fighting in the war and were sending money to their own wives. But Booker never liked violence. He was a pacifist. Everywhere he kept hearing to just join the army, go to war, that’s what all his friends did. But after weeks of not being able to find work, he was forced into the war due to the draft. Booker never left New York in his life; it was his home. Booker had no choice but to go to war; his mother needed money and he didn’t have the money to get out†¦show more content†¦The journey took weeks and food was running short along with water. All the men were getting tired of the constant marching, the gear was getting heavy, and the hot sun wasn’t helping them at all. To Booker’s surprise, some of the men already went down due to these terrible living conditions. They finally met with the confederates in the Henrico County, Virginia for the Battle of Fair Oaks. Booker went to take a position secluded from as many people as he can, hoping that he wouldn’t have to kill anyone. He was up on a slightly elevated part behind a few trees laying down, watching as the men got closer to each other. Finally after they reached a position close enough to each other, the battle began. Booker couldn’t believe how loud it was. He turned away and heard the screams of men getting shot. He heard the artillery being fired and crashing down on a group of soldiers. He didn’t know what to do. Booker never wanted to fire his gun. Eventually he looked back through the rifle and saw a bullet fly into one of his fellow soldier’s head; the bullet entered the man’s head and was stuck there. Booker saw the pieces of the man’s skull flying through the air, blood running down his head, Booker even heard his screams. Booker threw up immediately afterwards. Eventually Booker finally was able to look through the sniper scope again. He saw hundreds lying there, dead. Some were lying and screaming for help. He saw medicals group rushing
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Privacy Of The Hipaa Privacy Laws - 1325 Words
The Right to Keep It Hidden Everyone hides behind a mask of what they want others to know, but when that mask is removed, the private information nobody wants leaked spills out. Until 2003, there was no mask protecting the confidentiality of peoples’ most private information, their private medical history. Before this time, patients had no right to protect their medical information, and no control over who could access it. The HIPAA Privacy Rule locked away the once open book of patients’ medical information in a safe solely controlled by the patient. This federal law, created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, became the â€Å"first federal healthcare information privacy law†, and addresses patients’ rights pertaining to their medical information (Solove 5). In order for patients to continue to have medical privacy and control over their medical records, the HIPAA Privacy Rule needs to remain a strongly enforced federal law. The HIPAA Privacy Rule allows patients to be the dominant controller of their personal medical information by giving them the choice to limit the accessibility of their medical record to others, and the opportunity to obtain their medical record at any time (Solove 1). By giving the patient access to his or her personal medical record, he or she is able to become aware of what information is inside. This gives the patient the opportunity to address a mistake in the medical information with his or her doctor. If the doctor disagrees with theShow MoreRelatedHIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You1436 Words  | 6 PagesHIPAA: Privacy and Security Rules The Computer, the Nurse and You Introduction How would you like to keep track of your personal health information record in your computer at home? The electronic data exchange was one of the goals of the government to improve the delivery and competence of the U.S. healthcare system. To achieve this plan, the U.S. Congress passed a regulation that will direct its implementation. The Department of Health and Human Services is the branch of the government thatRead MoreEssay about Hipaa: Impact the Delivery of Human Services1272 Words  | 6 PagesHIPAA: Impact the Delivery of Human Services July 12, 2008 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed on 21st August 1996 by the U.S President Bill Clinton. Most healthcare insurance companies and providers are to remain to the HIPAA regulation guidelines by October 2002 and October 2003 for smaller health plans. If you are in the healthcare industry, you have probably heard some rumblings about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ofRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1382 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is divided into five titles. Title I is health insurance portability, Title II is administrative simplification, Title III is medical savings accounts and health insurance tax related provisions, Title IV is enforcement of group health plan provisions, and title V is revenue offsets. HIPAA affects many features of health care, including providing the privacy rights of patients for release of personal data, financial and medicalRead MoreThe Role of Government in Policy790 Words  | 4 Pagesclient’s needs. Laws and judicial decisions influence this healthcare organizations day-to-day business. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was established in 1996 to protect the rights of individuals when receiving services from health organizations. HIPAA ensures the privacy and confidentiality of individual’s health information. Health information could be protected on paper, oral communication, or electronically. If an individual’s privacy is violated in anyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1222 Words  | 5 PagesPortability and Accountability Act, known as HIPAA. The primary purpose of HIPAA was to protect an individual from losing their health insurance; If they decided to change jobs or have pre-existing conditions. Another purpose of HIPAA was to reduce the costs and administrative burdens of healthcare by creating electronic formats. HIPAA is also used to develop standards and requirements to protect the privacy and security of protected health information. HIPAA consist of five titles. The main two importantRead MoreHippa Violation1569 Words  | 7 Pagesfor Milo Sampson’s M230/HSC2641 Section 04 - Medical Law and Ethics class. HIPPA Violation – Privacy Rule Thesis: Preventing violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule greatly impacts any health care professional, specifically patient information as it relates to a pharmacy and its entire staff. Ever wonder what the acronym HIPAA stands for, how it relates to health care professionals, as well as you, the patient? Violations of the HIPAA Privacy rule greatly impacts health care professionals, specificallyRead MoreHipaa, Health Insurance And Portability Act Of 19961577 Words  | 7 Pages HIPAA (Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996), outlines rules, regulations and the rights of patients to access their healthcare information such as notifications of privacy practices, copying and viewing medical records, and amendments. This paper explains why confidentiality is important today and discusses recourses patients can use if they believe their privacy has been violated. This paper will also discuss criminal and civil penalties’ that can occur for breaking HIPAA privacy rulesRead MoreHipaa, Health Insurance And Portability Act Of 19961576 Words  | 7 PagesHIPAA, (Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996) outlines rules and regulations and the rights of patients to access their healthcare information such as notifications of privacy practices, copying and viewing medical records, and amendments. This paper explains why confidentiality is important today and discusses recourses patients can use if they believe their privacy has been violated. Thi s paper will also discuss criminal and civil penalties’ that can occur for breaking HIPAA privacy rulesRead MoreHipaa, Health Insurance And Portability Act Of 19961574 Words  | 7 PagesHIPAA, (Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996) outlines rules and regulations and the rights of patients to access their healthcare information such as, notifications of privacy practices, copying and viewing medical records, and amendments. This paper explains why confidentiality is important today and discusses recourses patients can use if they believe their privacy has been violated. This paper will also discuss criminal and civil penalties’ that can occur for breaking HIPAA privacyRead MoreHealth Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 19961492 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional are reminded of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) and the important role it plays in daily task. Every patient is protected under HIPAA there really is never an time that HIPAA does not apply to health information. The expectation to protecting private health information under HIPAA is within the school districts in the communities. The school districts records that contain students private health information does not fall under HIPAA regulations. That information
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Vhdl for Synthesis Free Essays
ELE591 – VHDL for Synthesis Issue 1. 0: 1st December 2010 The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to familiarise you with the principles of VHDL for synthesis targeted at programmable logic devices. You will observe how various VHDL descriptions result in Register Transfer Level (RTL) implementations and how these can be implemented within specific logic devices. We will write a custom essay sample on Vhdl for Synthesis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The principles of back-annotation will also be explored and how this can be used to examine performance limitations of specific hardware resource mappings. This lab assumes you are already familiar with Xilinx ISE and ModelSim, given that ELE335 is a prerequisite for this module. If necessary, consult the ELE335 lab guide, which is included in the Coursework section of the ELE591 module webpage. Most of the VHDL files needed for this lab are also available from the same location. Exercise 1: Aim: To compare the results of different architectural descriptions for the same entity Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise1†. Add the file ex1a. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Select the Spartan3 as the target device Compile and synthesise the VHDL description and examine the design report file, paying particular attention to the resource utilisation summary (and timing path analysis). Also examine the RTL design. †¢ Repeat with the files ex1b. vhd and ex1c. vhd and compare the results. Exercise 2: Aim: To illustrate the use of â€Å"don’t care†values in synthesis Steps: †¢ Create a proje ct named â€Å"exercise2†. Add the file docare. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Add the file dontcare. hd as a â€Å"VHDL module†and repeat the synthesis. †¢ Compare the report files. Exercise 3: Aim: To illustrate logic resource requirements for conditional versus mutually exclusive input conditions Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise3†. Add the file cond. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Add the file exclusiv. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module†and repeat the synthesis. †¢ Compare the report files. Also compare the timings at the design logic level and at the place and route level. Exercise 4: Aim: To review resource and timing requirements of a complex reset function Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise4†. Add the file cntpt. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile, synthesise and simulate the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Review the report file paying particular attention to the reset equation. †¢ Now examine the file cntpt2. vhd which employs a synchronous complex reset. †¢ Attempt to simulate the designs and comment on the reset timing in both cases. Exercise 5: Aim: To compare CPLD and FPGA implementations of a FIFO design Steps: Create a project named â€Å"exercise5†. Add the file fifo. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Recompile the design for a Coolrunner2. †¢ Compare the report files and the resulting RTL layouts. †¢ Place and route both designs †¢ Compare the design files paying particular attention to the maximum operating frequency and the amount of resources used. Which timing parameter is the limiting factor on the operating frequency in each case? Exercise 6: Aim: To illustrate the effects of implicit memory Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise6†. Add the file memcont. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Examine the report file. †¢ Add the file memcont2. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module†. In this file the signal assignments for oe, we and addr are removed from under the reset condition. †¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Compare the report file with that of the original design. Verify that implicit memory resulted in the creation of a combinatorial latch. Exercise 7: Aim: To illustrate the advantage of â€Å"one hot†encoding of large state-machines implemented in FPGA architectures Steps: †¢ Create a project named â€Å"exercise7†. Add the file onehot. vhd as a â€Å"VHDL module††¢ Compile and synthesise the design targeting the Spartan3 device †¢ Place and route the design and record the number of logic cells required, the setup time, clock-to-output delay and maximum operating frequency. †¢ Now employ the file notonehot. vhd. This uses the synthesis tool to assign values to the various enumerated states. Compile and synthesise the updated design targeting the Spartan3 device. †¢ Place and route the design and record the number of logic cells required, the setup time, clock-to-output delay and maximum operating frequency. †¢ Compare the results with the original design. This series of experiments should be written up as an INDIVIDUAL formal lab report. The report will be limited to a maximum of 8 pages of main text (i. e. omitting title page etc). The hand-in date is the 17th December, unless you are informed otherwise. How to cite Vhdl for Synthesis, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Psychoticism and Creativity Theory
Question: Discuss about the Psychoticism and Creativity Theory. Answer: Introduction: The chief aim of the essay is to evaluate and understand multiple roles of creativity in bringing evolutionary impact on the education system. To perceive an in-depth knowledge about the function of creativity in term of education, the essay has considered evaluating some relevant theoretical concepts of creativity. The word Creativity is the definition of that particular ability through which a new and original idea can be constructed. In other words, creativity is probably the function of turning inventive, original and new concepts into reality. It is, therefore, the capability of finding patterns and ideas which are hidden and make use of them to procure new solutions. In the words of Craft et al., (2013), through creativity the world can perceive new ways to generate solutions. An important point to consider in this matter is the fruitfulness of creativity can be acquired when there will be a creative person, an original product along with a creative process. Thesis statement Creativity and education is interconnected and theories of psychoanalytical, humanistic and system jointly prepares a strong ground to support that. Creaytivity as opined by Wachanga, Kamonjo Okere, (2015), is a positive effort results from an inconvenient situation. Based on the concepts of Kumpulainen, Mikkola Jaatinen, (2014), the psychoanalytical theory is probably the oldest theoretical concept that argues that creativity is the preliminary act of reverting from a harsh situation. The conceptual approach of Psychoanalytical theory for creativity is that a creative person is the result of difficult and complicated circumstances. It is hence understandable that creativity is like a side of relief for a person to find the solution in a hostile universe, that effort through which innovative ideas step up. This theoretical concept has been propagated since Freud argued that creativity originates when conflict arises from tension and dissatisfaction. However, Sigmund Freud's words on education implicate that education is the process enabling an individual in taking active participation in culture without losing or harming the original energy of that particular. In the historical context, psychoanalytical tendencies in education have been related to the instinctual tendencies of the students. Following the Orthodox concept of Psychoanalytical theory, creativity among school going children evolves from the inner conflicts. In the context to first learning and child development, creative education is required as creativity is considered to be a responsible component for optimizing childrens psychological growth. On the other side, as argued by Davies et al., (2013), creativity regarding child education is necessary for enhancing personal, psychological growth and well being. . Creativity in eduction is advanced through the relation between a teacher and a student and their individual role regarding education. In the argumentative words of Sawyer, (2015), creativity through learning is dependable on children's emotion. The question may arise about the relation between a school teacher and a school child and the role of the teacher in bringing out the creative aspect of the child. The psychoanalytical theory argues that transference is the linking term between a teacher and a students creative approach. The concept elaborates that a teacher is a responsible factor for a childs social and psychological growth that further enhances the creative power of mind (Amabile, 2012). Consequently, it can be understood that craetivity among children relies upon emotion which is developed by an efficient teacher. The most significant idea of Freud that is relevant to a student's psychological maturity to procure creative thought into education is his comparison between creative process and alternative options for neurosis (Ramos Puccio, 2014). Sigmund Freud argued that creativity acts as a defense mechanism which gives protection against neurosis. It further leads to make a well accepted creation that turns out to be a piece of public pleasure. Therefore, the notion of creativity in education is subjected to the concepts fundamental attribute to perform as a defense. In words of Boothby (2014), this particular concept of creativity is relevant for education as creative education is an art and an art is considered to be best defense in terms of condensation or displacement. Therefore, it can be pointed out that creative education is a defense mechanism for students that ultimately turn into a work of appraisal. In countries like Canada and USA, creative thinking has been labeled as a primary essential component of learning. The National curricular center of Korea believes that an educated person is a creative person. Most importantly, in Sweden national plan of national development for overall educational center identifies education as the process of developing creative skills (Elliott, 2015). The fundamental problem with the psychoanalytic approach of creativity about education is that there is less discussion on the medium of unconscious transcends through which creativity releases. It is because unconscious transcends play a major role in engaging the energy to create something innovative. Hence, it performs as a beneficial sublimity which should have been discussed briefly in the psychoanalytic approach. The Humanistic theory, on the other hand, illustrates that human desires and demands rely upon basic needs which are water, food and comfort, safety needs that is security, and needs of love that is intimacy. The most important one prior to obtain self-actualisation is the need to have prestige and accomplishment. Once all of the needs are fulfilled, a person reaches the stage of self-actualization. As opined by Schneider, Pierson Bugental, (2014), a person can act in a meaningful manner when the person passes the level of self-actualization. The reason behind being able to become creative is the ability to meet all the needs. As per the argument of the theory, creativity is not subjected to any particular environment. The theory regarding learning provides a conceptual aspect that discerns that creativity is the chief factor in the case of advancing mental and physical growth in term of society that finally supports to become progressive towards learning. More briefly, based on the words of Laurens et al., (2012), self-actualization is the key through which a person can acquire freedom from all social controls and grabs the ability to become an innovative individual. However, the disadvantages of this method are that self-actualization is probably too hard for a pre-school or school going child and can only be applicable upon adult in education. It is because for a child, the prime need is limited within the basic ones and does not generally recah to the needs of safety, love and esteem. It should not be disregarded that the humanist concept of creativity is the development technique that helps to become less defensive, less judgmental (Amabile, 2012). Qualities like such provide the allowance to express any new idea with complete freedom. In education, there is always a place for new ideas and innovative thinking. The way to become a creative learner is the way of developing trust and conveying any new thought without any hesitance. For instance, in countries like the US, UK, and Australia, special scholarships are given to those students who are capable of showing exclusive learning performance by bringing or innovating any new idea or concept in their respective studies. In China, the role of creativity in education is to promote and motivate learners to develop creative learning in the discourses of education. For the school system of China, creative learning or giving opportunities to the students to become creative is the method of establishing the entire education system original (Ramos Puccio, 2014). However, since the propagation of network theory in the year 1980, the environment became a vital aspect of creativity. Creativity in learning became comprehensive when the role of the environment is being given excessive priority. By the words of Baer, (2012), in this particular field, the Humanistic theory seems less worthy. The Humanistic approach ultimately dishonors the role of environment. As per the system theory which is originated and influenced from Bertalanffy's general theory of system, the environment determines whether a person could reach the level of self-actualization to become innovative or not further. Humanistic theory, on the contrary, gives credit to the fundamental needs of human nature to curve the facet of creativity rather than environment. Nevertheless, in education, the environment does matter as it is a noteworthy fact that a trainee or student can develop quality growth in the socio-cultural and psychological side in an apt atmosphere. The psychoanalytic theory in this context matches with the concept of honoring the aspect of the environment to be a prime factor for creativity. It is because; the theory believes that difficult circumstance makes a person compelled enough to find a solution by creativity (Ramos Puccio, 2014). However, for pre-school and school going children both the theories of psychoanalytic and humanistic sound less upstanding. The relation between creativity and education is dominated by another bizarre aspect which is defined by the theory of Psychoticism, though psychotic traits are rare to construct creativity. According to Cassetta Goghari, (2014), the theory of Psychoticism is probably the most bizarre one among the other theoretical concepts of creativity. The Psychoticism theory of innovation or creativity denotes that the creativity is subjected to the psychotic tendencies those compel an individual to earn a creative personality. An argument can be escalated about the matter that the psychotic tendencies are more related to mental diseases like schizophrenia. Therefore, it cannot be expected that a patient suffering from schizophrenia can become a creative person. As argued by Laurens et al., (2012), the point that makes the ground strong for this theory is that a creative person needs to avoid the external controlling element of society or environment. Addition to that an original personality al ways perceives the world in a different way. People with psychotic tendencies are considered to have the preference in rejecting socio-cultural or absolute norm. In this ground, the attributes of a creative person match appropriately with the typical features of a schizophrenic patient. It is unfortunate enough that this particular theory has been several times neglected by educated individuals and theoreticians of educations and some of them are not even ready to call it a theory. As commented by Acar Runco, (2012), the main opposition to this theory is the concepts of this hypothesis cannot be practically applied to the real world. It is not a worth considering principle to drive a learner to acquire psychotic habits just to become a creative student. However, the evolutionary history of education indicates that there are number mathematicians, philosophers, scientists and many more academic personalities who are known for propagating innovative ideas. For instance mathematicians like John Nash would be probably an ideal example for this context that instead of having schizophrenic behavioral traits has gain immense praise globally. Most significantly, most of the first world domains like European; North American countries are taking initiatives to research the m atter that whether psychotic patients possess creative potentialities or not (Acar Runco, 2012). It is therefore an understandable fact that the theory of psychoticism is unfavorable to apply as psychotic habits which can turn into create something innovative is more genetic rather than an aspect of practice. From the entire essay, it is understandable that creativity is the method of enriching the global education system as creativity is indicative of that individual capability through which a person produces innovative ideas. Additionally, the article has pointed out that Humanistic theory of creativity is probably the most relevant theoretical approach for creative learning. The psychoanalytical theory has dominated the ground of creative learning over years until it has been found that creativity is not always a consequential aspect of an inconvenient situation. Nevertheless, from the entire discourse, it can be deduced that creativity in education depends on students psychological and social growth along with the very environment in which they are engaged in. References Acar, S., Runco, M. A. (2012). Psychoticism and creativity: A meta-analytic review.Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts,6(4), 341. Amabile, T. (2012).Componential theory of creativity(pp. 3-4). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School. Baer, J. (2012). Domain specificity and the limits of creativity theory.The Journal of Creative Behavior,46(1), 16-29. Boothby, R. (2014). Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan): Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud. Routledge. Cassetta, B., Goghari, V. (2014). Theory of mind reasoning in schizophrenia patients and non-psychotic relatives.Psychiatry research,218(1), 12-19. Craft, A., Cremin, T., Burnard, P., Dragovic, T., Chappell, K. (2013). Possibility thinking: culminative studies of an evidence-based concept driving creativity?.Education 3-13,41(5), 538-556. Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in educationA systematic literature review.Thinking Skills and Creativity,8, 80-91. Elliott, A. (2015).Psychoanalytic theory: An introduction. Palgrave MacMillan. Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., Jaatinen, A. M. (2014). The chronotopes of technology-mediated creative learning practices in an elementary school community.Learning, Media and Technology,39(1), 53-74. Laurens, K. R., Hobbs, M. J., Sunderland, M., Green, M. J., Mould, G. L. (2012). Psychotic-like experiences in a community sample of 8000 children aged 9 to 11 years: an item response theory analysis.Psychological medicine,42(07), 1495-1506. Ramos, S. J., Puccio, G. J. (2014). Cross-cultural studies of implicit theories of creativity: a comparative analysis between the United States and the main ethnic groups in Singapore.Creativity Research Journal,26(2), 223-228. Sawyer, K. (2015). A Call to Action: The Challenges of Creative Teaching and Learning.Teachers College Record,117(10), n10. Schneider, K. J., Pierson, J. F., Bugental, J. F. (Eds.). (2014).The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice. Sage Publications. Wachanga, S. W., Kamonjo, F. W., Okere, M. (2015). Relationship between Secondary School Boys Girls Chemistry Self Concept and their Scientific Creativity in Selected Counties in Kenya.Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research,2(2), 1-10.
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