Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Racism A Social Construct - 1593 Words
As I have lived most all of my life here in NYC, I have been affected by implicit biases, prejudices and discrimination based on my race, however my socioeconomic class, gender and my sexual orientation are significant forces of my social identity that not only define who I am, but are interconnected in the way I am and have been oppressed. Albeit racism has an impact on all of our lives in the US, however; it’s the intersectionality of the other social identity forces that when they are interacting with racism, they manifest many forms of social oppression. My social identity is that of an African-American, married lesbian woman. Racism is a social construct that has serious impact on many people’s lives. Heterosexism, also a social construct and racism contribute to the ever widening inequality gap. To slow sown or change the gap growth, policies would have to be imposed that would be specific to gender diversity and equality. Racism is structurally embedded in many institutions, but so does heterosexism as well. They may not be overtly visible, however when one is identified as homosexual, [s]he may become under attack from by the same institutions that are in place to protect in our society. . For many, the social construct of racism is created from a visible trait or characteristic that is visible and obvious, however sexual orientation can be hidden or unspoken. Anti –gay rhetoric, attitudes and behaviors, which in turn, leads to â€Å"patterns ofShow MoreRelatedRacism : A Historical And Social Construct1815 Words  | 8 PagesRacism: A Historical and Social Construct in America â€Å"Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. 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